Thankful for the age of innocence….

Every year we think of the things we are thankful for on thanksgiving. We give thanks for the obvious, family, friends, our home. On thanksgiving we really thank God for the things that really matter to us. This year I’m most thankful for two little things… these two above.

I’m thankful for the innocence and joy they find in the smallest of things. Everyday is an adventure and everyday they learn something new. Innocence is so fleeting. I’m not saying we should keep our children away from the outside world, but I do think that innocence is something that does not stay around as long as it used to. There’s so much around us that’s depleting the simple pleasures in a kids life. We all must agree that the internet, news 24 hours a day showing barely any feel good clips and showing, prejudice, killing, robberies and arguing between politicians can wear us down but all of the angst in our everyday world bleeds down somewhat to our kids.

I teach Pre-k, and I’ve seen over the years how a four year old today has become so much more worldly, smarter, more aware with computers, devices, etc but less imaginative in play.

Our school tries to just keep things simple. We do not have computers, we have every block imaginable. We have thousands of books, we teach the old school way, phonics, reading everyday to them and practice practice practice. We have lots of art, painting just for the joy of painting, music and singing good old songs. We say the pledge of allegiance every morning followed by ‘ My country tis of thee’. We say a blessing before anyone can touch their snack. We play in centers to encourage being social and getting along with all kids. We have outside play which encourages running, jumping, twirling! We have a very diverse combination of kids so that a child learns not to judge their classmates.

I’m thankful for my grandsons that are so innocent in their two year old minds that sometimes I wish I could freeze time. I realize this is unrealistic. Culture, tv and others will taint this very primitive idea. This year they get the whole Santa theory and because of the animated movie Star they will begin to understand the thought of baby Jesus. Christmas is going to be absolutely magical for them but what about for you? Do you think you can revisit the magic and Joy? Can you just let go a little and can you keep things simple and easy??

These two are most thankful for each other always. they always want the other one close by at all times. They also want their mama first and foremost and they adore their parents and are doubly blessed to have four grandparents that play a weekly role in their lives. They have never been apart and unfortunately for siblings- life happens as they age and that bond sometimes starts slipping. Twins are not so likely to allow this to happen.

So this thanksgiving I’m most thankful for the age of innocence which keeps getting younger and younger. I’m hoping that the world can reverse someday back to people enjoying the simpler life and for our minds being at peace and able to recognize joy, promise and the world around us thru the innocence of children.

One of my very most favorite songs, but I do say that about many songs, is This Crosby stills and Nash song. It was written by Graham Nash upon seeing a picture of a child standing in a park with a hand grenade in his hand. He realized then if we do not teach our children a better way of dealing with life and each other then we have really screwed up and that humanity itself is in grave danger. I adore this song with its basic message and it always chokes me up….  #twins

3 thoughts on “Thankful for the age of innocence….

  1. Loved reading this one Susie! If only we could keep our little ones little just a bit longer. Finley is growing up way too fast for me. I do treasure every second I get to spend with her! Keep up the great work👍


  2. I completely agree! There is too much screen time and too little playing with friends. It’s hard to not move in pace with the world. I applaud parents and grandparents who value trying to keep children innocent.


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